The next morning Celia woke early and said she needed to see a doctor. Her throat was killing and she was achy all over. Dan called the local clinic and they directed us to the hospital downtown. The doctors there put Celia on more antibiotics and sent her home. She went directly to bed.
Three days later, no improvement – possibly worse – so I took her back to the ENT at the hospital. He wanted her to stay at the hospital for three days and get intravenous antibiotics. I suggested we go home at night and return for the treatments. Celia got up to go to the bathroom, then turned around, went pale as a ghost, eyes rolled back and passed out. Luckily the doctor saw it coming and got her to an examination chair to land on. A couple doctors and nurses ran around her speaking in mandarin – a bit scary to watch having no idea what was being said. This gave me more pause about taking Celia home but after a half hour or so Celia’s color came back and we decided to stick to the plan: three days of coming to the hospital for intravenous antibiotics, steroids, and glucose and go home at night and then see where we were.
Again, no real improvement and her throat looked worse. The doctor then wanted to keep her in the hospital for five days giving her some completely different antibiotics through IV. I again pushed for going home at night. The doctor spent a while on the phone with another doctor and a pharmacist and then decided there was a different strong antibiotic that Celia could take at home – five large pills to be taken every six hours. Almost immediately after starting the pills, Celia started feeling better and making tons of plans – making up for lost time.
Two nights later was Friday night and Celia was up for going to Roberta and Ted’s house: American’s who have lived in Beijing for many decades and have become the gathering spot for the Jewish community here. They host Shabbat dinner for anyone who wants to attend every Friday night and made Dan feel very welcome during his solo year here. The community was also very welcoming to us and were so happy for Dan that he was no longer separated from us. It was a lovely gathering.
A group shot someone took at shabbat dinner
A few days later, Celia felt up for going to The Great Wall. We went to a section of the wall about an hour’s drive from our home where one can take a gondola up to the wall, walk for an hour or so, and then take a toboggan ride down. It reminded my of going on a similar ride I believe in the Pocconos where my possibly four year old brother, who was riding with my mother, told her not to be scared, to let go of the brake and hold onto him. On the way home we stopped at the local town and got lunch. It was an assortment of inedible (by us), odd, and tasty dishes. One of the dishes was spicier than anything any of us had eaten before.
It was a super fun day!
A little fun in one of the towers along the wall.Toboggan ride down from The Great Wall. MOM – turn your computer volume on and hit the triangle in the middle of the picture above!
Other highlights from last couple weeks:
Checked out the local Sam’s Club. Pretty different foods than in US but the largest chip bag I have ever seen!Dan and I were invited to a sari party. When I mentioned the party invitation, Dan actually thought we were going to play the game Sorry. Despite there being no Sorry playing – the party was really special – a wonderful welcome to the community here!Kids and I went to the Summer Palace. Trying to purchase the tickets was crazy difficult. I told Celia to purchase the “combo” tickets as I understood they were for the grounds and the buildings. When our tickets didn’t get us through the front entrance and someone was found who spoke some English, we learned we had bought tickets for the next day as there were no Combo tickets for Monday, as the buildings are closed on Monday. We decided to explore the less developed part of the grounds, as we figured we’d return on another day to go into the buildings. The grounds and the day (not to mention my company) were incredibly beautiful!A bridge on the Summer Palace grounds.Kids are at the top of this crazy steep bridge.Unbelievable lilly pads that were blowing in the wind.
A couple days later Morton and I went to the Temple of Heaven.
On Friday we all went to the kids new school before heading to the visa office to apply for our permanent residence visa. The school facilities are AMAZING! – like nothing we have ever seen before. I have been enjoying the indoor tennis courts. The rock climbing wall looks fantastic. Dan brags about the choices at the cafeteria and all the playgrounds are unbelievable!
Us in the school’s new Great Wall play houseJumping on the trampolines in the school playgroundOn one of the swings
Friday night Dan and I went out on our first real date in about a year and a half! We went to Stanliton – a very hip neighborhood – which preCovid was full of weiguaren (foreigners) – but is now mostly full of locals. We went to a lovely restaurant and wandered around. The buildings lit up in crazy lights in alternating patterns and the stores were top notch designers. Dan has his eye on a flying car that was on display – an actual full scale flying car!
Saturday I biked out to a local ”wet market”. Apparently they’re called that due to the live fish splashing around. It was fun to check out all the local foods and other merchandise for sale. Unfortunately I have found that when I speak to local people I can’t keep hitting “Replay” to hear and then decipher each word as I can when I am studying Mandarin. I look forward to bringing the family back there to sample more of the foods.
And Today (yeah! I’m just about caught up!) Dan, Morton, and I biked out to a local neighborhood where I had been told I could do some shopping and there would be no other waiguaren. It made us feel a little sorry we aren’t living – at least for a little while- in this area. The conditions are a lot less posh than where we are living – but it felt like the real cultural experience we came here for. Again, we struggled a bit conversing, but we enjoyed ourselves exploring a bit and tasting a few different snack.
Been a While
Days are passing/events happening and I am not writing things down.
We have now been in Beijing for two and a half weeks. Definitely the most challenging part of being here is getting the WeChat app to work so we can function. Everything is done through WeChat. Anytime you walk into a neighborhood, a store, or chew some food – you need to scan a code and show that you have a green health code which indicates that you have tested negative for Covid in the last 72 hours – and as we learned at the Shanghai airport – things don’t always run flawlessly.
Celia getting her regular Covid test across street from where we live.Morton exiting Covid testing area. Apparently lines used to be terrible. Now I have never taken more than five minutes to get in and out.
On our first day here we put new Sim cards in our phones, got our new Chinese telephone numbers, and then Dan and I went to a local branch of Chinese Construction Bank to get my WeChat hooked up to pay for things. Ends up joint accounts are not legal in China. We spent a couple hours setting up an account for me – we needed to use my phone to do this and it wasn’t getting reception in the bank – made it difficult – but we eventually walked out my having a bank account and what looked like a linked WeChat pay.
Maybe the next day Celia wanted to go meet a cat. She had been cat shopping online while in quarantine. Ended up the cat owner lived about an hour drive from us so I thought we should do something else on the trip so we weren’t just driving an hour, meeting a cat and then turning around. The famous Beijing art neighborhood 798 was some what on the route, so we went there. We planned to wander the area for two hours then go meet the cat. We were so excited. The neighborhood looked like it would be fun to wander around and Celia quickly had me photograph her to show her friends how cool it was there. Then from that high moment, it all went down hill.
Checking out a funky chair in the 798 district.
We spent the next two hours struggling with our phones. We wanted to go into a store and our GreenCode wasn’t working.We had to call Dan to send pictures of our passports to try to reset the app. That worked and it seemed like we were back in business. We went into a couple stores with no problem – other than the annoying delay of having to open our phones, get to the correct program within Wechat and then scan the stores’ sign and bring up our Green Code – AT EVERY STORE – and often at the entrance to an area too – anyway…. Celia found an awesome pare of sunglasses at a hip second hand store and we were feeling good – and then I went to pay. My WeChat wouldn’t work. We stepped back out of the store, called Dan, and the three of us struggled to get the WeChat to work – no luck. At this point Celia and I were running out of time at 798 so decided we should stop fighting with the app and see a little of the neighborhood before we would get picked up. The weather was super hot and we really wanted something to cool us down – Celia saw a sign for ice cream. I figured I had emergency cash in my purse and this felt like an emergency. We went in to the ice cream shop probably five times being sent out of the store as our scans weren’t working. When we finally got our apps working correctly we went to order and they said they didn’t accept cash – only WeChat. We were out of luck. We were hot and incredibly discouraged. We listlessly wandered around the neighborhood, popping into a few galleries until it was time to go see the cat. Unfortunately, by this time the traffic had gotten terrible and getting to the cat was going to be an hour – and then another hour to get home. Celia decided to postpone.
The next day, a new plan. We’d go out as a family, have dinner and meet the cat. This plan worked out better. We were given a restaurant recommendation. It ended up being a fancy vegan restaurant. We were brought to a curtained off table with silk flowers covering the ceiling, and although we weren’t exactly sure what some of the things were we were eating – it was all really good.
Eating at fantastic vegan restaurant.Not exactly sure what it was – but delicious!
Afterwards we went to meet the cat. It took us a while to figure out how to get into the neighborhood. The map brought us to a permanently locked gate. Texting back and forth with the cat’s owner, Celia found out we needed to go to a different side of the neighborhood. The owner met us there and walked us through a maze of her neighborhood and up to her sixth floor walk up apartment. The lights were out on the first few floors of the stairwell. We got into her apartment where she, her husband, their cat, at least one roommate and her dog lived. To say we filled the apartment was an understatement. It was nice to talk with the owner of the cat who was lovely and to see how she lived – much tighter than we are used to even in New York. Unfortunately the cat was freaked out by our arrival and wouldn’t let Celia anywhere near it. We waited for an hour and then told the woman Celia would come back over the weekend. Unfortunately Celia woke the next morning quite sick and wasn’t able to get back.
Celia’s still in the market for a cat.
Did I mention Celia got an electric scooter? She’s very excited about it.
More to follow in next couple days!
Sunday at noon we were scheduled to finally be released from quarantine. That morning all of our Shanghai Green Codes – that allow us to enter the airport – had turned Red. After a number of frantic messages on WeChat, the app that is used here for everything, we were assured it would turn back to Green in the next couple hours.
At 10am, I was chatting on the phone and trying to finish the above painting – before having to pack the painting into the bottom of one of my bags -when the haz-matters came to our door and said we needed to get out NOW. We frantically started throwing the rest of our stuff into our bags. We dragged our eight humungous bags out into the hallway and were waiting for the Michael/Boyle family before loading everything into the elevators. Then another haz-matter showed up and said we couldn’t go until noon. We left our bags where they were and we hung out in groups, reconnecting and waiting to be released.
At Noon we dragged all our luggage downstairs and were told to quickly go outside to do our checkout – they wanted us out of the building as quickly as possible. Outside it was bright – sunny and 96 degrees. Walking outside the hotel – which looked post apocalyptic – we realized the hotel pre Covid must have been quite posh with a golden camel out front.
We spend the next hour outside the hotel, trying to deal with paperwork and what happened to the SIM cards we ordered, where was the van that was taking our luggage, and making sure we had all the correct paperwork and green codes on the appropriate apps. Once all was in order minus our Shanghai codes which we were told would turn Green, we were told we had to leave the hotel grounds. They pushed us out to the sidewalk to wait for the airport shuttle bus. We waited out front, gulped our water and tried to crouch in little areas of shade to evade the extreme heat.
Eventually the bus showed up. The next hour was quite a lovely drive, looking out at Shanghai.
When we arrived at the airport we needed to scan our Shanghai Green Codes to enter but our codes were still red. We sat outside, in the 96 degree heat and sweat.
After a little while, the hazmatted guards allowed us to enter just inside the door. Two guards began to go through all our paperwork which showed that we had repeatedly tested negative for Covid and were released from the quarantine hotel. Eight of us, three pieces of official papers from each of us. Two guards. They each needed to check and photograph each of our three official papers. Then each guard needed to repeat the process – asking to rephotograph all eight of us – each of our three papers again. And then a third time. And then a fourth – at which time we sat down. A number of hours had gone by. It seemed like they were just killing time – making it appear they were doing something.
After about three and a half hours one of our codes went Green. We call cheered. Five minutes later, another person’s. Five more minutes another – until all but Leo, the son in the Michael/Boyle Family, had gone Green. Forty five minutes passed. Leo felt terrible. Then Dan started receiving messages saying he had been a close contact and he should not travel. He started to panic. ”If we don’t get through security quickly – we are going to get taken back to quarantine”. He started yelling and trying to push our way through. It didn’t help get Leo in. Security did tell us those with Green codes could go in and get some food and bring it back out. Dan, Celia and Carolyn, did just that. Like a miracle, Dan also returned with beer. Just as we were settling in to eat and passing around a beer, Leo’s Shanghai code went Green. We quickly dropped our drinks – which couldn’t go through security – and ran in. We had long missed our flight but were able to get tickets for one a few hours later.
And from there – things were actually smooth. Short flight to Beijing. Some colleagues waiting to welcome us and Driver Li waiting to take us home.
A Few Quirky Additions
Just a couple things when looking back I want to remember so putting here. The first is when we were going through security Morton’s bag was pulled out to go through. We couldn’t believe it when we saw the contents!!
I also loved the shower in our hotel. It was a small NYC apartment!
Here we are all in the shower!
Dan’s post
Here’s the stats:
We left NYC at noon on Friday July 22nd.
Travel Path NYC->Detroit->Seoul->Shanghai->Beijing Arrive August 7th
8700 miles, 23 days, 5 cities (For reference an old 19th century Clipper ships could cross the Atlantic in 21 days)
10 days in quarantine in Shanghai, which is basically sitting in a nice hotel room for 10 days straight.
Not so funny quirks of COVID China travel—We spend a lot of time getting COVID tested, retested, and proving we have the right testing and a lot of direct flights are impossible due to flight crews not wanting to quarantine.
We’re travelling a bit heavy: 600 lbs. of luggage in 8 bags—don’t ask about the extra baggage costs—and 6 carry-on bags. Going to and from the airport is a total pain. In our defense, we thought the family was traveling in 2021 and thus purchased many things in NY to live for the year and didn’t want to part with them.
Looking forward to getting back to Beijing and being in our own house! Celia has been targeting a new cat (mao in mandarin) which we’re planning on calling Chairman Mao Zecat.
Shanghai Airport to quarantine hotel
To continue our moving saga: We made it to the Shanghai airport. They have turned what once was one of the world’s busiest airports into a crazy empty maze with completely hazmat suited workers including goggles and taped on gloves. As we pass they quickly wiped everything down including their gloves.
We spent the next 6 hours navigating the airport: down one corridor to show our green code, another to fill out more paperwork, another to get our mouth or nose swabbed, another corridor to fill out more paperwork, then through the slowest passport control ever – there was no line but they checked that each letter was correct. Then we went through another maze to get our luggage, then we navigated through to a holding area for passengers that eventually will be going to Beijing. When we finally released from that area we were led though the maze to a quarantine hotel shuttle. A colleague of Dan’s, on the phone was concerned they were sending us the wrong way. We got one of the hazmats to talk on the phone and indeed, we were put in with the regular population while the colleague had arranged for us to go to VIP accommodations. An hour later we had been rerouted, re-held, redirected, until we were in a different area getting onto a different quarantine hotel shuttle.
We sat on the bus for an hour to our hotel. As we entered the hotel grounds, the weeds were hip high and growing through the driveway, the front door was boarded up and the windows were so filthy you couldn’t see through it. Inside the lobby was also make-shift and filthy. It was shockingly not what we’d think of as VIP. As we were being signed in, it became clear they were going to separate Celia as she is considered an adult in China. Luckily we had been warned this might happen and had her doctor write and official letter, which as had translated into Mandarin, that she could not be separated. The Hazmatters were unhappy about the note and unsure what to do, but they eventually agreed to let Celia and I be in a room together. Dan and Morton were sent to the room next to us and the Michael/Boyle Family got the two following rooms. We went up to the 17th floor – where our rooms were and were quite surprised, considering the lobby, how nice the rooms were.
They put a table in front of each room with a paper indicating how many people were inside and we went in. Lunch quickly arrived onto the tables: flat plastic containers with five compartments of heavily oiled and salted sautéed food, another container or rice, and tiny drinkable yogurt and an orange.
We unpacked some of our stuff, settled in, and fell asleep. It had been a crazy long trip.
Flight to Shanghai
Finally – all our bags checked in at the airport, and at the gate having to get more app green lights from the Chinese government to board- we sat down to wait for our 11:40 PM flight.
11:40 came and went with no announcement.
12:15 we were told there was something being worked on on the plane and soon they would let us board and they’d open two doors to make it quick.
12:45 – Celia fast asleep jammed into a waiting room seat- We were informed they thought we weren’t going to be able to fly but the airline was on the phone with the Chinese embassy to figure out how to deal with our Green Codes that would expire in a couple more hours.
1:15 Announcement to get in line for hotel vouchers, that the embassy would extend our Health Green Codes for 24 hours and they would give us hotel vouchers – AND (the worst part) we had to pick up our luggage (all 8 humongous bags!!).
We were fourth in line and waited a half an hour to get to the front. 350 people were behind us. It was crazy.
2:00 AM We got our luggage and dragged then to where there was supposed to be hotel shuttles – but none arrived – and UBER said there were no drivers available.
We found two car service drivers waiting around that said for an arm and a leg they would drive us the two miles to our hotel with all our bags. Morton and I prayed for our lives as the driver drove us like a maniac to our hotel. The hotel ended up being a dump – with a pull-out couch for the kids – with no pillows or sheets available – but at 3:00 in the morning – we were grateful for a place to lie down!
By the time we woke, it was time to check out – so we – along with the Michaels/Boyle Family that are making the move with us – from Brooklyn Prospect to the International School of Beijing- payed to be able to stay at the hotel until we could check in at the airport that night.
We took a long walk to a diner for brunch – which ended up being closed until August – and then ended up sitting outside a Starbucks for a couple hours, eating, chatting and killing time.
That evening we finally made it onto our plane! We flew 14 hours to South Korea where our flight staff deplaned to avoid having to quarantine in China. We waited two hours on the plane for the new flight staff who then flew us the 2.5 hours more to Shanghai – where we finally were able to deplane. One year, one day, and 18.5 hours later – we have arrived in China!
On Our Way!!
Greetings from quarantine in Shanghai! I am reviving this blog to report on our new adventure.
We had a wonderful, yet abbreviated summer before setting off to China. First Dan finally returned home! We spent a few weeks at the beach. My brothers, the Kimelia’s, Anita and Chris came to see us before we flew off. Morton went to camp with his good friend Julien for a couple weeks and Celia went to the New York Times writing program for two weeks. Dan ran around spending time with as many people as he could before returning to China. We all went to New York for a few days before flying off -quickly getting some time in with Dan’s aunt Masako and cousin Keiko, doing our final packing, meeting the movers and seeing friends. I am very grateful for everyone who worked in time to spend with me (and us) before we flew out. (I am so sorry that I wasn’t better at taking pictures to mark these wonderful moments)
Above is a picture just before we left our hotel in Detroit for the airport to catch our flight to Shanghai. We had to spend a few days in Detroit, getting a couple PCR tests before we’d get our Green Code from the Chinese government to be able to board our flight.
We spent these days seeing a bit of Detroit, which was super interesting, and, best of all, catching up with Betty, my college roommate, and her daughter Evelyn.
Our last day in Detroit was a panic – when the kids and I didn’t get a Green Code – we got a Red Code. After hours of panic we found out we had submitted pictures of our expired visas from last October!
Finally got our Green Code and we loaded our crazy large EIGHT bags into an SUV car service and went to catch our 11:40 PM flight.
Dan finally home:
time with family and friends (wish I took more pictures!):