Archive for August, 2013
The Morganic
Artist Anita Walsh create signs for imagined Seal and Mortie’s ice cream bars to put on our local ice cream truck. I made the Morganic for Morgan the driver.
Kayaking with Dolphins
Dan and I went out kayaking and almost ran into a dolphin. We were surrounded by dolphins. We kayaking a couple miles with them. It was amazing!
Scooting around Manhattan
My Firework Fairies
Fish Eyes
Honored Guest Plate
My mother just gave me a book she found that I had made when I was a kid about terrible meals I had eaten. It got me to thinking . . .
Many years ago I lived on the island of Rota in Micronesia. As a guest in someone’s home for dinner they would give me the fish head as the eyes were considered the best part of the fish and the cheeks the second best.
After the initial discomfort of the idea, it was actually fine.
Harvey Cedars Volleyball
Our New Tent
Morton & Anita Dancing in the Rain Room Installation at Moma