Deity of Teen Angst
Embroidered/appliqued Fabric on board
24.5" x 18"

Deity of a Finding a Clean Public Bathroom - Open
sewn/embroidered fabric over board, hinges
16.5" x 20"

Deity of a Finding a Clean Public Bathroom - closed
Triptych in closed position
Sewn fabric on board
16.5" x 10"

Sewn fabric over wire and board

Power Clean
Sewn and embroidered fabric
2.5' x 2' x 8"

Hallelujah 2
embroidered fabric sewn on board

Deity of House Plants Final for website
Sewn and embroidered fabric and beads on board and wire
30" x 17"

Holy Elixir
Sewn Fabric on board
14” x 18”


Sewn/embroidered/appliqued fabric over board
17.5" x 14"

Flying Figure side 1

Sandy Tears
Sewn fabric on board

Life Saver
Sewn fabric and plastic on board
33" x 13"

Mac and Cheese
Embroidered fabric, paint, macaroni, gold leafing on board
14.5" x 13'.5"

Deity Of Snow Days
embroidered fabric over board, wire, pompoms
29" x 23"

Deity Of Snow Days 2
Embroidered fabric on board
24.5" x 14"

Golden Egg
Embroidered and sewn fabric over wood
14" x 9.5"

My Dad
Sewn/embroidered fabric
7" diameter

Pots and Pans
Sewn fabric over wire and board
Life sized

Maira Kalman
Embroidered fabric
6.5" diameter

Joan Jett
Embroidered fabric
6" diameter

Louise Bourgeois
Embroidered Fabric
7" diameter

Embroidered Fabric
7" diameter
Deity of Teen Angst
Deity of a Finding a Clean Public Bathroom - Open
Deity of a Finding a Clean Public Bathroom - closed
Power Clean
Hallelujah 2
Deity of House Plants Final for website
Holy Elixir
Flying Figure side 1
Sandy Tears
Life Saver
Mac and Cheese
Deity Of Snow Days
Deity Of Snow Days 2
Golden Egg
My Dad
Pots and Pans
Maira Kalman
Joan Jett
Louise Bourgeois